Monthly Archives: March 2013

Door Knockers work well on Kershaws new external door range

In a previous Blog post I paid tribute to the humble electric doorbell. Perhaps even humbler still is the traditional door knocker. It is thought that door knockers have existed as long as doors have and if you take some … Continue reading

Posted in Door Handles, External Doors | Leave a comment

Doors in Films

Doors are often featured in films, sometimes so much so that they become a key element of the film. I decided to draw up a small list of some of my favourite film scenes, where doors play a fundamental part … Continue reading

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Anagram for Timber Door Company is Sad Workhorses

Do you like puzzles and anagrams? Can you solve the anagram in the title? I thought it would be interesting to see if there were any anagrams for “Kershaws Doors” and this is what I discovered – sad workhorses. It’s … Continue reading

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Complete your extension with a stunning new door

If you are currently planning a new extension or renovation project for your home then make sure you don’t overlook your all important choice of doors. Sometimes people get so focused on the structure and layout of new rooms and … Continue reading

Posted in General, Wooden door designs | Leave a comment

Thinking out of the box/Garden Rooms

As a keen gardener I often watch gardening programmes on TV to gain tips and information, though I mainly watch them for inspiration.  A recent programme by Monty Don for the BBC focussed on his passion for France and in … Continue reading

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Scandinavian Interiors influenced by the Happy Danes

Denmark has once again been ranked as the happiest nation in the world. This was issued again and this time by the first World Happiness Report, held in April 2012. There is a fascination in the way others live there … Continue reading

Posted in General, Interior Doors, Wooden door designs | Leave a comment

Oak Internal Doors

Oak furniture and flooring is a very popular choice for homes today and at Kershaws Doors we find a lot of people are looking to match their furniture and flooring with Oak internal doors. We have a wide range of … Continue reading

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House Styles

Your choice of front door will be strongly dictated by the architectural style of your home. This may depend on location and when it was built amongst other things. Some of the most common home styles are listed below along … Continue reading

Posted in External Doors, General, Wooden door designs | 2 Comments

Superstitions About Doors

I recently wrote about wedding traditions and the carrying of the bride over the threshold. This time, I’m thinking about superstitions related to doors and I believe there are a few. One that springs to mind is a Scottish or … Continue reading

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Trends of the 1950’s and 60’s

Trends in house design and decoration come and go. It seems as if we just get used to a particular style, colour or furniture idea, embrace it, and before we know its yesterday’s news. Or is it? Interior design ideas … Continue reading

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A Story From My Childhood

I was always very inquisitive as a child and I had a wild imagination at times. In the local park there was a long, high wall covered in ivy. It was far too tall for me to see over and … Continue reading

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