Category Archives: External Doors

How do we choose our Custom Door Designs ? It’s a thoughtful process.

In February I wrote a Blog explaining why we also supply Made to Measure timber doors.  The sales of Custom Made, bespoke timber doors styles are an ever increasing part of Kershaws Doors business as we supply quality products for … Continue reading

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News on Government house buying scheme prompts better curb appeal

In the Government’s recent budget states that the Help to Buy Guarantee Scheme aims to encourage mortgage lenders to offer better access to low-deposit mortgages.  Hopefully this plan will stimulate some extra growth in the housing market. Whether you are … Continue reading

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Door Knockers work well on Kershaws new external door range

In a previous Blog post I paid tribute to the humble electric doorbell. Perhaps even humbler still is the traditional door knocker. It is thought that door knockers have existed as long as doors have and if you take some … Continue reading

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House Styles

Your choice of front door will be strongly dictated by the architectural style of your home. This may depend on location and when it was built amongst other things. Some of the most common home styles are listed below along … Continue reading

Posted in External Doors, General, Wooden door designs | 2 Comments

Beautiful and Suitable External Timber Doors

We all want to live in a home we are proud of, and make our visitors feel welcome, from the moment they ring the bell or knock on the door. New windows if required make a big difference especially if … Continue reading

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Door to Door in Prague

As we are in the business of selling doors it goes without saying that when visiting new places and especially other countries that we focus on the various styles and constructions of the doors we see. Every picture tells a … Continue reading

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Door Numbering

Having recently bought a new house, I needed to think about our door number. We bought a new-build house so there was no house number in place and I was surprised to find there are no real guidelines from the … Continue reading

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Glazed External Doors

Let there be light and choose from a wide range of glass panel external doors. At Kershaws Doors we offer a wide selection of modern and traditional doors with large or small glass panels. Glass panelled doors are a popular … Continue reading

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Treating your new Exterior Timber Door and Matching frame

As promised here is a some info on finishing a new, exterior, timber door. Understanding the importance of using the correct products and techniques for treating a timber door will both enhance it and give you better value and visual … Continue reading

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What gives a timber door a unique characteristic? Often it is the detailing and use of added mouldings. An important element of many styles of timber doors is the beading or moulding used. This detail is often taken for granted, … Continue reading

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External Cottage Doors

A cottage is a distinctive style of property that often demands specific decorations and fittings. This starts with your choice of front door and Kershaws Doors offer a wide variety of door styles designed for cottages and traditional style properties. … Continue reading

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Increase Value of your Home

What is the first thing people notice when they come to your home? Your front door! This provides the first impression of your home and estate agents will verify that your front door can make or break the sale of … Continue reading

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French Doors

French Doors are increasingly popular as people seek to maximise light levels in their homes. If you have an attractive exterior, a pretty garden or a beautiful view then French doors are a great way to make the most of … Continue reading

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Part L Doors Explained

People are increasingly asking about “Part L Doors” and “U-Values” in relation to doors. This reflects new legislation in building regulations which requires that energy efficient doors are fitted. With rising energy costs most of us are trying to improve … Continue reading

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Maintaining Exterior Doors

Don’t forget to maintain your front door. This is a quick guide with some pointers for maintaining your exterior doors. For some people a weathered front door gives a home character and history however it can be quite upsetting to see … Continue reading

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