Category Archives: Door Handles

Pebble in my Shoe

Have you ever been out walking and got a pebble or just a tiny piece of grit in your shoe? Did you stop immediately and remove the offending object or did you, like me, just keep on walking, whilst pretending … Continue reading

Posted in Door Handles, General, Light-hearted posts | Leave a comment

Door Knockers work well on Kershaws new external door range

In a previous Blog post I paid tribute to the humble electric doorbell. Perhaps even humbler still is the traditional door knocker. It is thought that door knockers have existed as long as doors have and if you take some … Continue reading

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Hung up on Hinges

Hinges are mechanisms which we take very much for granted and often completely  ignore, yet without them our every day functions would be very different. A hinge mechanism occurs in nature for example, to allow a bivalve mollusc such as … Continue reading

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Property Bucket List

The New Year is here and with it the never ending Bucket List which we add to at this time of year. The thoughts of Spring often brings with it a fresh approach to our homes. This may be in … Continue reading

Posted in Door Handles, General, Interior Doors, Wooden door designs | Leave a comment

Choosing Door Handles

You may think that door handles are practical items, simply a way to open and close doors, however door handles are a key finishing touch and allow you to add a little style to your rooms. Typically a house will … Continue reading

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