Monthly Archives: February 2013

Made to Measure

The  term Made to Measure typically conjures up products such as curtains, generally needed to exactly fit a window, or clothing such as a tailored suit or a wedding dress which must fit, a particular person, exactly for a special … Continue reading

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Wembley Dreams Dashed for Bradford

Kershaws Doors is based in Bradford and the local football team is Bradford City FC. For those who don’t know, Bradford City are currently positioned 11th in League 2 and amazed many to make it to the Capital One Cup … Continue reading

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Beautiful and Suitable External Timber Doors

We all want to live in a home we are proud of, and make our visitors feel welcome, from the moment they ring the bell or knock on the door. New windows if required make a big difference especially if … Continue reading

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Sweet Sound of a Doorbell

I have mentioned once or twice in this blog the statement that you are making with your front door. However once a visitor has taken in the splendour of your new front door, hopefully supplied by Kershaws Doors of course, … Continue reading

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I’ve got the Key of the door never been 21 before

There are numerous famous sayings relating to doors, which just  goes to show how important they are as a milestone in our lives as well as an important security and thermal product. Confucius said: “The will to win, the desire … Continue reading

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A Child’s View of a Door

I was lucky enough recently to spend some time with a group of 6 and 7 year olds and I decided from a creative and learning perspective, to ask them what’s your favourite door and why? Here are just a … Continue reading

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Why Fire Doors ?

I remember the doors between classrooms and corridors in my High School, they were very plain in appearance, though painted in various colours to signify sections of the school and if glazed they had panels of wired glass. At the … Continue reading

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Definition of a Door

Whilst thinking about doors, yes, it’s a regular thing in this business, I realised that it is quite difficult to actually define what a door is! Clearly it is a big lump of wood that sits neatly in a hole … Continue reading

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Set Up for Doubles

Although we are certainly not over the Winter yet there are days when the sun appears and the bulbs are beginning to rise through the soil indicating the promise of Spring. I find that I am beginning to look out … Continue reading

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Minimalist Decoration

An ever popular interior design choice, minimalist decoration can be viewed as stylish or boring depending on your personal choice. Maybe it depends how well the whole scheme comes together. Achieving the right look will depend on your ability to … Continue reading

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Wedding Traditions

Last weekend I went to a family wedding which was lovely. The bride and groom had a great day and they had lots of personal touches to make sure the day reflected them and their families. I was thinking about … Continue reading

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Interior Design Choices

The term Interior Design is well recognise these days. I suppose in a basic form it may describe a collection of assorted products and ideas that are interconnected to create a functional interior space, advantageous for humans to enjoy living … Continue reading

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Catchy Timber Doors

Are you being bugged by a catching wooden door? This is one of those DIY jobs that we can easily find ourselves putting off and yet it is a really irritating problem and one you can solve fairly easily, although … Continue reading

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