Monthly Archives: July 2012

Increase Value of your Home

What is the first thing people notice when they come to your home? Your front door! This provides the first impression of your home and estate agents will verify that your front door can make or break the sale of … Continue reading

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French Doors

French Doors are increasingly popular as people seek to maximise light levels in their homes. If you have an attractive exterior, a pretty garden or a beautiful view then French doors are a great way to make the most of … Continue reading

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Part L Doors Explained

People are increasingly asking about “Part L Doors” and “U-Values” in relation to doors. This reflects new legislation in building regulations which requires that energy efficient doors are fitted. With rising energy costs most of us are trying to improve … Continue reading

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Maintaining Exterior Doors

Don’t forget to maintain your front door. This is a quick guide with some pointers for maintaining your exterior doors. For some people a weathered front door gives a home character and history however it can be quite upsetting to see … Continue reading

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Internal Fire Doors

Here’s some info about certified fire doors to help guide you if you need to buy fire doors (F60 or F30 doors). See our collection of internal fire doors. What makes a Fire Door? There are two main purposes to … Continue reading

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Song Titles including the word “Door”

As explained before, some might say that at Kershaws Doors we can be a little obsessed with doors. We talk about doors all day long so this is a somewhat indulgent post about song titles including the word “door” or “doors”.  

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Measuring Internal Doors

We get a lot of questions about door sizes and how to measure doors so here’s an explanation that should hopefully help if you need to measure your door frames prior to buying the doors.

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Walnut Internal Doors

Walnut Timber Walnut is a distinctive timber used in the most luxurious of settings – think of the plush walnut trim in a classy sports car or the stylish walnut interior in an exclusive yacht. Kershaws Doors offers a wide range … Continue reading

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