Thinking out of the box/Garden Rooms

As a keen gardener I often watch gardening programmes on TV to gain tips and information, though I mainly watch them for inspiration.  A recent programme by Monty Don for the BBC focussed on his passion for France and in this particular episode Historic French Gardens usually created for the aristocracy. These gardens were generally on a grand scale but contained elements that could be scaled down and used in the gardens of more modest properties.

Garden Wall With GateWatching this programme brought to mind the use of rooms or separate areas within a garden to make it both interesting and with added useful benefits. This technique has been used for many years in gardens. It makes sense to me that as we use the rooms of our homes for different functions then there is every reason to also use our gardens in a similar way.

Regardless of the size of our gardens there are always distinct environmental areas, some places will be sunny, others more shady, and exposed places that are inclined to be breezier. Considering these differences suggests that alternatives rather than comprise maybe the way forward. For instance, if an area is unsuitable for how I wish to use it then ‘thinking out of the box’ ,as the saying goes, could be to look at the garden in terms of a house with rooms for different activities that can be decorated in keeping with the function and position of the room (garden).

I love the idea of going through a gate, door or a hedge into a different area which is decorated by completely different planting. Creating high walls or hedges to give protection in an exposed area with a feature timber seat seems a lovely idea for quiet relaxation with a book.

I guess I’ve got a lot of work to do this Spring now I’m panning my garden, once I’ve finished decorating the house!!!!!

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