Door Company says Spring Has Sprung so buy a new door


Spring has sprung at Kershaws Doors

I love this time of year. The first shoots of life are beginning to peek through, we are starting to see lighter nights and I am looking forward to the possibility of some warmer weather.

Now is a good time to think about a good spring clean inside and outside at home. I thought I’d write about a few jobs you might want to tackle.

Think about your garden. It is about now that you will be ready to mow the lawn for the first time. You should have a good tidy up including clearing away all the leaves.

Inside your home you will benefit from a good clean up. Cleaning the windows inside and out is a good start. Sorting through your cupboards and wardrobes is a refreshing task and opens a door for new items. If the weather allows it, get some fresh air into your home by opening up your windows to let the fresh spring breeze in.

Once you’ve had a good spruce about the place why not treat yourself to some lovely fresh flowers that will add the finishing touch to your clean, uncluttered home.

Have a good look around. What are the big jobs you have been putting off in your home? Often we work through our decorating jobs room by room but this sometimes means we miss the bigger jobs. What about your doors? Is it time to replace them? Do you need an external door? Are you in need of an external front door? Or change your internal doors? Give your home the best first impression! You know your property deserves the best.

Kershaws Doors offers a wide range of internal and external doors. Take a look through the collection on the website where you will find a wide range of modern and traditional styles of doors.

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