Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors! Maybe no analogy to Kershaws Doors but an interesting reference


Limited edition album Amnesiac by Radiohead image © Lance James Daniels. Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

I have made reference to a few songs and music groups related to doors in previous Blog posts and this weekend I discovered another one. is the intriguing title of a Radiohead song, which features on their album Amnesiac. The album was launched in 2001 and this song featured as track number three.

In the song there are various references to different types of doors including barn doors, revolving doors and sliding doors. On the face of it this is a simple song but I think that the reference to doors relates to the choices we make in life. For example, there is reference to doors that lock and doors that don’t and this could be related to times when you have a choice and other times when you don’t. There are many interpretations of the song so this is just one possibility. Other people have suggested a link to the different people we meet in life. Who knows? Maybe it is just a simple song about doors following a search on the Kershaws Doors website.

I am not sure what Pulk/Pull means and I cannot find a simple definition for the word “pulk”, which is strange. One definition for the word “pulk” relates to a sort of toboggan that is pulled by a dog, but I don’t think this is relevant to the song title.

As with many Radiohead songs Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors is quite a long song at over four minutes and this one seems quite a strange track to me. I had never heard it before this weekend and I have to say, it won’t go down as one of my favourites. The lyrics are quite difficult to decipher with what seems like some kind of computer generated voice and a background of fuzzy interference sounds. It is not what you would call a sing-along song, although I am sure the hard-core fans will love it.

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Feng Shui Principles! Some tips relating to doors

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy most commonly associated with creating a harmonious interior scheme. The literal translation in English is “Wind-Water”.

There are a number of principles relating to the positioning of elements to create harmony and balance. This can be applied to buildings from an architectural perspective or the interior, including the positioning of furniture and furnishings within the home.

As this is a Blog about doors, I thought I would investigate the Feng Shui principles related to doors. One of the key rules relates to the alignment of doors. The front and back doors should not be directly aligned. This is to avoid the loss of energy from one door to another. Energy enters the home through one door and should be allowed to circulate and flow throughout the home. If the two doors are positioned directly opposite each other, the energy will enter and quickly leave the house. Energy can be visualised like water, flowing in channels and it is best to allow it to flow freely and fill the home.

feng-shuiSo what should you do if you have directly aligned doors? Obviously one option is to invest in renovation works and move one of your doors. However if you have a more modest budget you can place furniture in the area between the two doors. This will force the energy to disperse around the furniture. You will need to be practical and make sure you can easily move around your home. Placing a large table in the middle of your main room may not be appropriate.

Another alternative is to work with colour to alter the balance of your doors. Painting one door in a strong colour can help to create alternative levels of energy at each side of the room. Plants are always a key part of Feng Shui and they can be used to redirect energy within the home

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Morocco has fantastic carved timber doors.

Museum doorI’ve been taking trips around the world again, this time to Morocco, which was a totally new experience for me and my husband. It’s an ideal location to catch some sun and experience a totally different culture with just over a 3 hour flight, depending on where you are in the UK.

We stayed in Marrakech for 7 days in a traditional Riad in the heart of the city which was lovely and run by the most professional and friendly people, it was called Riad Al Badia, which we would highly recommend. The Souks were amazing and not as frightening as I had anticipated and as the temperature was in the 40’s it was good to be under the tented shade. I really felt for the metal workers making beautiful wrought iron artefacts and decorative light fittings using welding torches in searing temperatures. By contrast a visit to Jardin Majorelle, the garden developed by the fashion icon Yves St Laurent, was a refreshingly wonderful space and a ‘must see’ especially if you are interested in Cacti and similar excotic plants. The Berber museum set within the garden is well worth a visit as it contains some beautiful traditional objects and Berber ceremonial jewellery.

Hotel DoorOf course we had to visit places which had timber doors (see photos) and Morocco offers these in abundance, especially in the old religious buildings of Marrakech. Traditional doors here display the importance of entrances and also define the areas within a building’s interiors, I suppose due to the Islamic tradition requiring the separation of men and women. It was great to see the humble timber door raised to the decorative heights we at Kershaws Doors believe they should be. We saw beautiful carved doors in the Bahia Palace along with the very grand carved and coloured ceilings. The Medersa Ben Youssef was a school and now another interesting building open to the public.

After 7 hectic days in Marrakech we travelled approx 25 miles South East to the foothills of the Atlas Mountains where we stayed in a beautiful small hotel, classed as a Chambre D’hote with a Spa. Again, as in the Riad, the owners and staff at Kasbah Agounsane were excellent. The hotel was contemporary chic with many traditional objects. The panelled doors in the rooms were painted black making a stunning contrast to the polished concrete walls. The main front door (see photo) was based on a traditional timber door, reinforced with studs and similar in style to the heavy duty cottage doors found in some traditional properties in the UK.

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My Kitchen Door – Fond memories


Hooks on the front door, image © Chelsea Nesvig & used under CC license

I have a clear memory of the door that we had in our kitchen when I was growing up. It was a wooden door that was painted white. One of the main things I remember about the door was that it had two white hooks, which held a number of coats. Often it was difficult to find the coat that I was looking for with four other people’s coats to fight through. Also this made a very good hiding place so I would often stand behind our kitchen door beneath the coats when we played hide and seek.

The other thing I remember about that door was that my dad had fixed a height chart to the door. Each Sunday evening we would eat our meal in the kitchen and we would have a pudding, which was a real treat because it was Sunday. After our meal my dad would tell us to stand against the door and he would measure each of our heights and make a note on the chart with our initials and a date.

My brother was always fairly short for his age and despite being three years older than me, he was a fairly similar height for a number of years so he used to hate the weekly height check. When he was about seventeen he suddenly started to grow and each week my dad would record growth until he left to go to university. I had done most of my growth by this time so he just grew taller and taller than me. When he came home he would eagerly go to the kitchen door to be measured and he eventually made it to 6′ 2″, which surprised us all.

There are many reasons to remember doors in our homes. Whether they are a stylish design or had a particular use, they often have a special place in our memories. If you would like to buy a door that will be remembered for all the right reasons, then take a look at the Kershaws Doors website.

Please let us know if you have any special door memories.

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The Grand Depart – Saturday the 5th July

At Kershaws Doors we’ve all been looking forward to the Yorkshire Grand Depart, which started on Saturday. This is the first time we have seen the Tour de France come to Yorkshire.

The Tour de France is the world’s largest annual sporting event and this year the UK will be hosting the first three stages starting in Leeds, close to the Kershaws Doors office.

The streets throughout Yorkshire were lined with millions of people who turned out to watch the Grand Depart and the people of Yorkshire were prepared for the event with welcoming banners and cycling themed bunting.

The route on day one started in Leeds city centre and covered 190 miles ending with a sprint finish into Harrogate.

So, here’s a few facts about this famous event. The Tour de France attracts a huge TV audience worldwide with around 3.5 billion viewers. The first Tour de France was held in 1903 and this year’s event will be the 101st. There are 21 stages including flat hill and mountain stages. There are 22 teams, each with nine riders, meaning there are 198 riders in total. This year the race will end on 27th July in Paris. Bradley Wiggins was the first British winner of the Tour de France in 2012. The complete course covers 2,272 miles.

Whether you are watching on the television or shouting from the sidelines, we hope this will be an exciting event.

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House Price Increases Vary Significantly Throughout the UK

© Copyright Albert Bridge and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

© Copyright Albert Bridge and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Many of our customers are buying doors for homes they have recently purchased or sometimes we have customers who are buying new doors with a view to selling their property and making it more appealing to the buyer. This means we often talk about the state of the housing market and we exchange views on whether we are seeing the rises in house prices that are being reported by the leading mortgage providers.

In the news we have seen reports of increases in house prices in London over the last year of around 16 per cent. Among the reasons behind this surge in property prices are the low inflation rate, lack of housing available and the ‘Help to Buy Scheme’. The property boom does not extend throughout the UK and different regions are experiencing different levels of increases. Kershaws Doors is based in West Yorkshire and in this area it is estimated that house prices have risen by about 7% in the last year. For most areas the increases in house prices are not matched by wage levels, which is a concern for affordability, especially for first time buyers. An increasing number of people in their 20′s and 30′s are unable to leave the family home to set up on their own and parents are often carrying the burden of housing their children.

Since the banking crisis in 2008, the banks and lenders have been more careful with offering mortgages to buyers. This has affected the ability to buy for many people.

Forecasts for the future vary depending who you ask but it seems that most people are expecting that house prices will continue to rise for the next few years, however others suggest that a crash may be imminent due to the lack of correlation between property prices and wage rises.

Whether you are buying or selling your home, if you are looking for new doors to improve the look of your home then you should take a look at the Kershaws Doors website where you will find a wide range of quality wooden doors for both Internal and External applications.

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World Cup – Follower or Avoider?

world_cupWorld Cup fever is in full swing and it seems that most of us are following the tournament. The first games kicked off on the 12th June and the final will take place on the 12th July. This is the 20th FIFA World Cup to be hosted and it is thought to be the second largest international sporting event after the Olympic Games. There are 32 national teams involved in the tournament and there will be a total of 64 matches over the eight week period when the games will take place

So, are you a follower or an avoider of the World Cup?

After a quick poll in the Kershaws Doors office this morning, we are split four to one in favour of watching the World Cup. So what is the effect of the World Cup on selling doors?


We find that during major sporting events, our online sales of doors are often purchased at unusual times, this is an advantage of a 24 hour sales facility. Many of our customers are switched off to anything other than football related activities at the moment and these people are not going to spend any of their spare time looking for new doors. However we have a large portion of people who are actively doing things to avoid watching football on the television. For some people, buying new doors is something that they often put off for a while. If these people are not watching the football, then this may be the time for them to catch up with necessary jobs. They may find that their usual routine of watching soaps is interrupted by football and they will do anything to avoid watching stumbling across the latest results and football stats. You will find them in the garden weeding and planting flowers. You will see them down at the DIY store buying decorating materials and we will find them browsing and buying new doors online. If you call our customer services line we will not mention the World Cup unless you do so you can be sure you won’t find yourself in a football conversation.

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Famous Door Music – Close Every Door

Image © cherrylet https://www.flickr.com/photos/cherrylet/ cropped and shared under CC license

Image © cherrylet cropped and shared under CC license

This is a Blog post about a song, which includes reference to a door. “Close Every Door” is a song from the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. The musical is based on the biblical story from the Book of Genesis and was first shown as a stage production in the early 70′s. The musical grew in popularity when Jason Donovan took the lead role in 1991. In 2007 the TV programme Any Dream Will Do helped to renew the popularity of the musical culminating in the appointment of Lee Mead as the lead role in Joseph. This resulted in a very successful London show, which ran for a further two years.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat musical continues to draw in the crowds and I was lucky enough to see the show last year in Leeds, which I really enjoyed. I think it is a great family show, which is suitable for all ages and I would love to go and see it again. I thought the songs were great, including Close Every Door and I bought the CD after the performance.

Close Every Door is sung towards the end of the first act in the show, when Joseph has been imprisoned. Philip Schofield released the song in 1992 when he starred in the production and he went on to sing it at the London Palladium Variety Performance.

In December last year Andrew Lloyd Webber revealed that the popular musical would be made into a film shortly. This follows the success of Les Miserables last year and I am sure it will be equally successful.

If you are looking for a door that is worth singing about then take a look at the Kershaws Doors website 1doors.co.uk where you will find a large range of internal and external doors.

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Looking for Office Doors? – Special custom sizes are available!

Office door image © LaMedia

Office door image © LaMedia

There have been a number of studies linking attractive office environments with increased productivity by workers. Improved morale and better working relationships is often related to a pleasant work area. It is also suggested that creating a smart office will generate a positive impression with employees, customers and any other visitors that enter the property.

Employees like to feel good about the place they work and a nice environment can help engagement of employees and give people a sense of pride for their employer. This, in turn, can help improve customer service and selling.

People sometimes think that a lick of paint and new flooring will be sufficient to update an office, but what about the doors? Old-fashioned doors can really hold back an otherwise modern and attractive interior scheme. We also supply a large amount of commercial properties with new doors along with the thousands of domestic properties. There is a wide range of modern door styles available from Kershaws Doors and you can transform an entire office with new contemporary doors.

Modern offices tend to feature white walls with oak coloured furniture and a grey or blue carpet. Doors should be a key feature in an office refurbishment to enhance the overall look of the place and then other items should be chosen to complement the fixed fittings.

When you work somewhere for a while you get used to how it looks, but if you try and look at it as a new visitor you may realise that the appearance is letting the company down and not living up to the brand that it represents. A visitor will look at your office space with a fresh pair of eyes and they will make a quick judgement on your company based on what they see.

If your office could do with some modern new doors then take a look at the Kershaws Doors website where you will find a range of stylish solutions fit for your company.

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Origin of the name Kershaw – as found in Kershaws Doors Ltd

I put pen to paper (or fingers to laptop, to be precise) a couple of times per week to write Blogs about Kershaws Doors. I write about a variety of topics and I tend to focus on door related themes although sometimes they can be quite tenuous links.

Today I thought I would explore the origins of the surname, or sometimes first name, of “Kershaw”. I researched on the Internet and although opinions differ, I found a couple of websites that break down the surname into two sections, “Ker” and “Shaw”. It seems that the name Kershaw used to be spelled Kirkshaw back in the 16th century and there were other spellings prior to that. The word Kirk is from old English and back in the 6th century it was the name for a church. The word for church in Dutch is “kerk” which supports this theory and “Kirk” is commonly included within place names, such as Kirkheaton and Kirkburton, which are local to us here in West Yorkshire.

The second part of the name, “Shaw”, is quite a revelation as this is an old name for a coppice or wood. It must be fate or destiny then that the owner of the company Mr Kershaw specialises in wooden doors! It could of course be a coincidence, but I like to think it was just meant to be!

So far, here at Kershaws Doors we have occasionally sold the traditional large arch shaped doors as found in churches, as these were a special custom door order, but maybe this is a growth area for us one day. Then we could really fulfil the destiny of the Kershaw name!

If you are looking to buy a quality wooden door for your home or your office then you should take a look at the Kershaws (Church – Wood) Doors website 1doors.co.uk.

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Door Safety

fingerNormally when you think about door safety, you think about the security of your property, however this Blog post is a reminder to everyone to be aware of the risk of accidents involving doors and some ideas for preventing or reducing the risk of such accidents.

A friend of mine went through an awful experience recently when her two-year-old daughter trapped her fingers in the hinge of a door. They were visiting friends at the time and had not considered the risk. The door in question was a heavy exterior door that automatically closed as someone was leaving the property.

The incident was very traumatic for my friend and her daughter, but thankfully there is no lasting damage, however they did have to go to Accident and Emergency to check it out.

Apparently there are around 300,000 injuries per year involving doors in the United States. I could not find a statistic for the UK, however it is clearly a common occurrence. Injuries vary in severity but a slammed door can lead to amputation in serious cases.

My friends are now warning all parents to be extra vigilant when their children are playing near doors and they suggest checking out surroundings when going somewhere new. I must admit it is not something I had really considered prior to hearing about this.

There are a range of products available that can help to prevent accidents such as finger guards, which shield the gap between the hinge and the door. There are cushioning pads that prevent a door from shutting fully. Also there are devices that will slow down a closing door and avoid a sudden closure. Doorstops can also be used to avoid trapped fingers.

If you own a commercial property, you will need to consider the safety of anyone that enters your property. You could be held accountable if there was an accident and you had failed to take precautions.

If you are buying a new door from Kershaws Doors then you may need to consider the safety of your doors once fitted.

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Doorstep Sellers – Rules Apply

When someone calls at your door to sell a product or service, this is referred to as a “Doorstep Sale”. Whether or not you find this irritating, people are within their rights to call at your door without prior warning to try and sell something to you. However there are a number of regulations that apply to such practices.

After buying a product in this way, you are usually entitled to a minimum of a seven day cooling off period, in which time you can change your mind and cancel the order, however there are some exceptions. This condition should be provided in writing at the time of sale.

KnockingIf you have any issue with a trader in your home, you are fully entitled to ask them to leave immediately as you will be covered by the Law of Trespass.

Often people who sell door to door put pressure on homeowners to purchase there and then. Before committing to buy something you may wish to ask for the details of happy customers. Speaking to someone independent that has used a product or service is typically a good way to ensure you are dealing with a reputable person or company. Alternatively you may want a bit of time to consider your purchase and any reasonable seller will grant you time to think about it.

If you have any problems with a doorstep seller you should call your local Trading Standards.

Are you happy with the door that any random doorstep seller will call upon? Even if we don’t like unexpected visitors to our home, most of us would like to think that people get a good impression when they call on your door. If you would like to purchase a new front door then take a look at our website where you will find a wide range of classic and modern styles of external and internal doors.

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Doorstop Sandwich! Possibly A Yorkshire Term?

Image © Anne Wu https://www.flickr.com/photos/uwenna/ shared under CC license

Image © Anne Wu and shared under CC license

I heard a completely new phrase at the weekend – a “doorstop sandwich”. This was a new one for me and I looked completely blank when my friend said it. I was visiting her house and she asked if I’d like something to eat. Then she said she was going to make a doorstop sandwich. I was completely baffled so she explained that this is a big thick sandwich – so big that it could be used as a doorstop, I suppose.

I wonder if this is a local phrase. It sounds like a Northern term to me. I asked around the Kershaws Doors office and it seems everyone else is familiar with this term. We then discussed what makes a good doorstop sandwich and argued the merits of different sandwich fillings. Personally I like a mix of cheese and meats along with plenty of crunchy salad.

I have had a look online in search of the origin for this term, but with no joy. It seems that the term is well known and not limited to Yorkshire, but I can’t find an obvious source. There is some debate whether the term is “doorstep” or “doorstop” but most people agree on “doorstop”.

I did discover that a few famous bread suppliers have now introduced a Doorstep Sandwich Loaf, which comprises of very thick slices of bread (not for people on a calorie controlled diet).

At Kershaws Doors we are not experts in the field of sandwiches, however we are experts in timber doors. We have a wide range of internal and external doors. If you would like some helpful advice about choosing, buying or fitting our doors then please call our sales team on or or ideally come and see us in our showroom in Wyke, West Yorkshire.

Finally I’d just like to add that we would not recommend the use of a sandwich (however large it is) to be used to prop open your door!

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Choosing Beautiful Doors! Or Trompe l’œil Door Decoration?


Rope Bridge Trompe L’oeil image © Couture Deco

While searching on the Internet on the subject of doors (of course) I recently came across an American site supplying wallpaper door motifs in 3D photographic designs. This product was rather intriguing and fun, and although it is designed to stick onto plain, uninteresting doors, which we prefer not to sell, it did celebrate the importance of doors and celebrated that doors can be a very interesting item in a property. Many of the designs imitated other doors though some pictures created scenes as viewed from a door such as a garden or street scene. One design depicted a horse looking over its stable door into the room. Others were futuristic and I particularly liked the lift door, I’m sure the fun element of this product would become a talking point with visitors to your home.

We at Kershaws Doors obviously encourage our customers to purchase beautiful timber doors with the natural grain texture but these fun stickers would be ideal for inside a child’s room or a basement den if your doors were of a flush style.

I studied interior design so my interest in the decoration of properties knows no bounds. I have always been interested in the paint effect style called Trompe l’œil. This term translates from the French, meaning “fools (or deceives) the eye”. Trompe l’œil (pronounced tromp loy) is an art technique in the form of illusion painting and has been around for hundreds of years as a decorative technique. This two dimensional work is executed to a high level, using correct sizing and every nuance of light with careful graduations of colour in order to make the painting look like a realistic object or scene, an optical illusion.

The term Trompe l’œil came to be used generally during the Baroque period though further back in history it was used in murals in Greek and Roman interior decoration. I have seen examples of this in Pompeii where architectural columns and detailing have been painted on walls and in the Hillside Houses in Ephesus, still being excavated. This painting technique has been used on pieces of furniture such as a realistic looking deck of playing cards on a table. A lovely example of a painted door can be seen at Chatsworth House, it appears to have a violin and bow suspended from it.

To decorate all your doors to this standard is expensive and rather over indulgent. We would encourage you to look at Kershaws Doors fine selection of beautifully finished internal doors to draw attention to your well-designed contemporary interiors.

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Knocking on a Door! How many times is Polite?

How many times should you knock when calling at a door? Everyone has their own style of knocking and I wonder if there are any guidelines on what is appropriate or not. When I asked around the Kershaws Doors office, there was a range of styles and we all have a different idea of how many knocks are appropriate. Some people start with a gentle tap progressing to a louder, firmer knock, while others go straight in with a good strong bang.

Personally I would normally do a firm three knocks on a door in most cases, however if it is someone I know well, typically my parents house, then I may tap out a little tune on the door.

One of my colleagues said they do the “shave and a haircut” knock. This was a completely new phrase for me. Having said it and knocked as I said it, I understand the rhythm they mean, but I have never heard this term before. This seems like a formal knock to me, and one I might expect from a policeman or official of some kind.

Knocking on a door is a personal thing, almost like a signature and I suppose you could identify the caller by their knock if you know them well.

I always find it difficult to know at what point I should knock again after the first knock. It is hard to know whether the person inside has heard or not or whether they are not in or choosing not to answer the door. If I am calling at a house with a young child I am very conscious that the child may be just going off to sleep or there could be an all-important nappy change underway so I allow extra time and I am very conscious of my knocking.

Whatever your knocking style be sure you have a stylish door and check out the wide selection on our website.

When purchasing Hardware to compliment your new door from Kershaws Doors and if you require a Door Knocker give our sales personnel a call to update you on the most suitable style to match your chosen handles, hinges and letter flaps.

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